Saturday, January 15, 2011

Brisbane Floods January 2011

My City My Brisbane Severley affected by flooded Brisbane River January 10 - 13th 2011.

Never thought I'd live to see the day in which my beloved city of Brisbane would suffer such devasting images of flooding that had not happened in 35 years since 1974!

 A couple of kids seeing a historical event...
 A swollen Brisbane River
 A flood Ipwisch Motorway
 South Bank Parklands...Flood Lands you mean somebody should of told these guys...
We are a band of brothers, The Aussie spirit shine through in dire situations regardless of heritage :-)


Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Year That Was..

From a beginning a Year with one Prime Minister and ending it with another that is how Australia has come through 2010.

Many changes, many losses, much pain, many tears & heartache.

The Chiliean Mining Disaster brought the world hope whilst the Pine River NZ Disaster brought devastation, loss of loved ones and many, many tears.
Closer to home our hearts still suffer in grief and loss of the Black Saturday fires 7/2/2009. People, Family and land was scared and the memory forever etched in Australia Bush Fire History. Then came the  floods and cyclones and monsoons, hail, never ending rain depressions, overflowing of our dams and cathchments causing devastation to our shores and country towns.
Refugees flood our boarders all year seeking asylum only to find death in stormy conditions in a weak vessel. Oh! what a loss of life- their only purpose, a brighter future in a new country.

We've also enjoyes many gains, many joys, much happiness, many smiles & laughter.

We did not suffer too badly the Global Financial Crisis compared to other nations Thank God! Our budgets a little tighter but our bank balances are thankfully still in the black. Australia's economy is still more or less positive.

Jessica Watson of Australia conquered her goal of sailing solo at age 16, the youngest young girl in history!Proving to the world that nothing is impossible with courage and determination.

Families are closer and friends are special too. No one can see the events of families- torn, broken, loss to tragic accidents and remain detached and at war.

So sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching and LOVE like you've never been hurt.

Love God and live life with the thought that this is just a fleeting time what's to come Eternity will only be a part of your life if you give up your life and take up Jesus encouraging words found in the Bible.

I know that I for one am HEAVENBOUND!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Black Saturday 7th feb 09 St Andrews Vic Ausralia

It's been anything but quiet on the home front...

well its has been a whirlwind of a month this December 2010 and on the pointy end meaning Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Eve will quite quickly bring us to a new year 2011. And definately for me a Fresh Start.

i look more than forward to the blessings of God upon little old me next year starting with a new permanent full time job and the ability to save, pay and live a stress free life upon this world.

Huge Shout out to all my christian brethren all around the world this Silent Night, Holy Night. Give Glory to the one that loves us so very much he came as a babe to grow into a man to surrender his life for the debt of our sin.

Can't wait till heaven Jesus... Love YOU.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Keeping the Faith

Hi there,

Just a quick note today. As all are preparing for the christmas holiday and consequently the break in school and work we are entitled to here in Australia keep the Faith, Faith in God, faith in goodwill, faith in mankind and most importantly faith for a world living in Peace :-)

Wishing you a joyous festive season and may 2011 bring you and your loved ones abundant blessings upon your lives.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Feliz Navidad Y Prosper Ano Nuevo!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Joy is in the Sunshine the loved ones and most importantly in GOD!!

Hi there online readers...

It's Friday Fun Day and I am not planning to do a thing! That's right just cruze the day doing things that envolve sitting and watching movies, checking my online messages and might go for a walk later on if I feel like it.

I love days like this to get reconnected with my LORD and seek HIS WILL for my life. Why? Because HE love me first, because he has my back and because my world is found in HIM :-)

Take Care and spare a moment to look up and thank HIM for living another day here on Earth.

Smiles amiguitos...